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How to do a pull-up

Anybody who can do a pull-up is in pretty good shape…I’m still working on building mine up and the journey is fun!

The best way to get better at pull-ups is to do pull-ups assisted with resistance bands: try looping a band over the pull-up bar and place a foot or knee in the band, then complete pull-ups as normal. Step down carefully and release yourself from the bar. Step one foot out first to avoid snap backs.

Doing a pull-up:

1. Tighten your butt and your abs throughout the entire exercise – try not to swing, so slow down the movement. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and focus on PULLING the bar down with your arms.

2. Use the least amount of assistance that you can handle. If you’re using an exercise band, try to get a few bands of varying tension so you can decrease the resistance as you get stronger.

3. As soon as you can do three sets of eight with assistance, it’s time move on up and either reduce the resistance bands or start trying unassisted. As you get better you can try one to two unassisted then go to the bands – it’s a great way to keep building.

4. Once you have mastered the perfect pull-up, you can progress to do more reps and doing other types such as wide-grip, close-grip and weighted pull-ups.

Words and workout by Nikki Fogden-Moore

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How to do a pull-up
